


Return on Equity (ROE) Calculation and What It Means

Return on Equity Meaning

The role of return on equity in financial performance is like checking how well a company uses the money its owners put in. It tells us how much profit a company makes compared to the money invested by its owners. ROE shows how well a company makes money from its investments. A higher ROE means the company can turn its assets into profits. 

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What is a Good Return on Equity

A good ROE means it varies depending on the industry. It's not fair to compare the ROE of companies in different sectors. Typically, an ROE of 15-20 is favourable, while some industries may consider anything over 25 as strong.

How to Calculate Return on Equity?

It's pretty simple. With formula of return on equity, you divide the company's profit by the money its owners have put in.     

Return on Equity Calculator:

Return on Equity.png

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What Does Return on Shareholders' Equity (ROE) Formula Tell Us?

Return on Equity  helps us see if a company is good at using the money its owners gave it. 

ROE Range


High ROE (Above 15-20%)Company is efficiently turning owner's money into profit, attractive for investors.
Okay ROE (8-15%)Companies are doing decently, making a fair profit but not the best.
Low ROE (Below 5-8%)Company might not be using owner's money effectively, facing profit-making issues.

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The Significance of Return on Equity in Business Valuation

1- Investment Magnet: Companies with high ROE are often attractive to investors because they're good at making money from the owner's investment.

2- Steady Growth: Okay Return on Equity companies might not be the fastest, but they're steady. They balance making money for the owners and growing the company.

3- Red Flags: Low ROE can be a warning sign. It could mean the company isn’t managing its money well or might be having trouble making profits.

Let's See Return on Equity Example:

KP Energy: K.P. Energy Limited makes INR 50 crores in profit with INR 147 crores (Reserves +Equity Capital)  from owners. That's a 34% ROE.

Why Should You Care? 

Return on Equity gives us a peek into how well a company manages the money its owners put in. Understanding ROE can help you decide where to put your investment bucks

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