


Miven Machine Tools Company Profile: Products, Promoters and Clients

Question 1: What are the products and services of Miven Machine Tools ?

The products and services of Miven Machine Tools an Indian company that specializes in manufacturing precision gear cutting tools and gear cutting machines typically include:

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1- Gear Cutting Tools: Miven Machine Tools makes gear cutting tools for shaping, hobbing, milling, and grinding gears. The tools they make are hobs, shaper cutters, milling cutters, broaches, gear shaving cutters, and gear grinding wheels.

2- Gear Cutting Machines: They provide machines for cutting gears, such as hobbing, shaping, milling, and grinding machines. These machines make gears in different sizes, shapes, and levels of accuracy.

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3- Gear Tool Resharpening and Regrinding Services: Miven Machine Tools probably sharpens and grinds gear cutting tools to make them last longer. It helps customers save money by keeping their tools working well.

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4- Custom Tool Design and Manufacturing: They can create custom tools for customers, like designing special shapes, coatings, and materials for cutting gears.

5- Tool Reconditioning and Refurbishment: Miven Machine Tools can fix and improve gear cutting tools that are worn out or damaged, making them work like new again.

6- Technical Support and Training: They probably provide help with technical issues, training, and advice to help customers improve their gear cutting processes and solve problems to increase productivity.

Question 2: Who are the promoters of Miven Machine Tools ?

The promotors of Miven Machine Tools Ltd include Vikram R Sirur,  Alka Vikram Sirur, Nandan M Balwalli, Anand Bindurao Kamlapur and Duggina Lakshmi Jyothsna. Duggina Lakshmi Jyothsna is the company secretary of Miven Machine Tools Ltd. She is graduated in Commerce from Andhra University.

Also Read: Solitaire Machine Tools Company Profile: Products, Promoters and Clients

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