Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd Company Profile: Products, Promoters and Clients
Question 1: What are the products and services of Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd?
Kothari Petrochemicals (KPL) is deel van die HC Kothari Groep en vervaardig Polyisobutylene (PIB), 'n gewilde produk in Indië. Gestig in 1990, is die maatskappy geleë in Chennai, Indië, met 'n vervaardigingseenheid in Manali, Tamil Nadu. KPL het 'n sterk reputasie opgebou vir die verskaffing van PIB-produkte aan verskeie nywerhede, beide in Indië en in die buiteland. Die maatskappy verkoop sy produkte, insluitend smeermiddels, seëlmiddels, kleefmiddels, PIB's, plastiek, rubbers en ander gespesialiseerde items, onder die KVIS-handelsmerk.The company produces multiple grades of PIB to meet the varied requirements of its customers:
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1. KVIS Series (Polyisobutylene Grades)
Brand KVIS categorized POLYISOBUTYLENE types based on molecular weight and viscosity characteristics, such as:
- KVIS-10: Low molecular weight PIB (900-1000 MW) used in fuel and lubricant additives, adhesives, and as a tackifier.
- KVIS-20: High molecular weight PIB, which ranges between (4500-5500 MW) is suitable for adhesives, sealants, and rubber compounding.
- KVIS-30: Medium molecular weight PIB (1200-1400 MW) used in polymer modification and lubricants.
- KVIS-100: Medium-to-high molecular weight PIB (1600-1800 MW) is applied in adhesives, caulks, and coatings.
- KVIS-150: PIB with a molecular weight of 2100-2300 kDa is ideal for rubber processing, special coatings for optical fibres, and other speciality uses.
- KVIS-200: PIB with an ultra-high molecular weight of 2300 to 2500 kDa makes products requiring greater stickiness and stretchability.
2. PIB R-01 (the pest control glue)
- KPL has also developed a PIB-based adhesive, PIB R-01, for pest control. This highly sticky, stretchable glue is designed to capture and kill pests. KPL R-01 serves agriculture, industry, and homeward needs by providing glue that stops pest infestations.
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Uses of Kothari Petrochemicals Products
KPL's PIB products are recognized for their diversified application in various industrial sectors, as mentioned below.
1. Lubricants & Additives
KPL's PIB products are used in:
- Viscosity Index Improving Agents: Used to ensure adequate lubrication at high and low temperatures.
- Two cycle engine oils: For better fuel economy and decreased wear to the engine.
- Industrial greases: For better adhesion and long-lasting lubrication.
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2. Adhesives & Sealants
Because of PIB's high tackiness and non-drying nature, KPL's PIB is used in hot-melt adhesives, pressure-sensitive adhesives and sealants. These include:
- Packaging tapes & labels
- Construction sealants
- Insulation materials
- Automotive gaskets and sealants.
3. Polymer Modification
Polyisobutylene is one of the most essential plastic and rubber modification materials due to increased elasticity, impact resistance, and flexibility. Key uses include.
- Modification for polyethene and polypropylene: For improved toughness and elongation properties.
- Rubber compounding: Butyl rubber plasticizer for inner linings, tyres, and Butyl rubber.
4. Optical Fiber Coatings
- In telecommunications, the company is the primary coating material for optical fibres. PIB assists in moisture resistance and mechanical protection and enhances the durability of fibre optic cables.
Question 2: Who are the promoters of Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd?
The promoter of Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd is H.C. Kothari Group of Companies. The company was incorporated in 1989. Nina Bhadrashyam Kothari is the Chairperson and Arjun B Kothari is the Managing Director of the company.
Mrs Nina Bhadrashayam Kothari is a director in the H C Kothari Group of Companies director. She has held various positions in prestigious institutions , such as Treasurer of the Crafts Council of India, and the World Crafts Council and Chairman of the National Crafts & Heritage Committee of ASSOCHAM . From 2006- to 2007 , she was the President of the InternationalWomen'sAssociationn (IWA).
Arjun B Kothari earned his Bachelor of Science from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, United States of America & Global Health and European Politics from Paris Institute of Political Studies, Paris, France. He also holds a directorship in H C Kothari Group of Companies. He also worked in General Electric Corporation, USA as a Senior Specialist in the Management Development Rotation Programme.
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